Welcome back, everyone. Today we will have the opportunity to address a fundamental issue in every person, self-esteem. We will touch on some fundamental points about its evolution and how to consider it from a different point of view, so that it evolves as healthy as possible


We focus on self-esteem, as the set of judgements, that the individual makes about him- or herself. Every single life experience added to all the others, will form and consolidate that specific self-esteem present in each person.

We observe, how from these few lines the quality with which each person realizes his or her own experiences, becomes fundamental, or in other words, how the context of life present from the very first phases of life, is structured to generate positive moments. It will be precisely on the basis of these moments, that each person will strengthen his or her self-esteem. Let’s say, that in a first phase of life, everyone internalizes more or less positive experiences, and on the basis of these experiences will create their own beliefs and their own evaluation of themselves.

I would like to underline that this belief in oneself is a “subjective vision” of oneself, that is based on what has been experienced and lived emotionally over the years. The “objective vision” of oneself can be considered as the real awareness of all those potentialities that each one of us has, and that can be really seen only if stimulated to the maximum and not neglected or repressed by the external environment. Recognizing and stimulating the abilities of every human being means, first of all, not setting limits to “experimentation” and, in addition, finding the best channel to develop them to the maximum. Many people think they are unable or unwilling to do a certain activity (drawing, music, sport, culture) without ever having significantly forced the development of that ability. We give a final judgement on what we can and cannot do, only after we have really worked to develop our skills, because any personal skills left standing, will never be able to express themselves externally, by being recognized by us.

Let us return more to self-esteem and see how fundamental it becomes to transmit the idea to children, that we can experience and succeed in life. It doesn’t matter, how much and how far it will go, but it becomes fundamental to believe that we can go beyond the starting point. Taking away this way of thinking and not making it mature, turns off motivational engines in moving forward and investing in oneself, said in another way: it reduces one’s self-esteem.

I gave a definition of self-esteem at the beginning of the article, however would I like to propose another one that has a more psychological slant, and that will give us the opportunity to expand a different analysis. Self-esteem is the set of beliefs that a person has about himself or herself and that he or she creates, independently from the basis of past and present life experiences. Let’s focus on how these beliefs can be positive or negative. Why the need for this further definition? Because often the self-esteem that many people have of themselves is not created daily by their own beliefs, but by how the outside world recognizes them. The moment, that the positive external recognition is no longer present, the person collapses and can no longer feel stable and confident. In this case we are not really talking about self-esteem, but about an esteem that comes mostly from the outside and not self-created, however is about what a person feels worth.

Focusing on this important point, allows us to understand how much our self-esteem is really produced by us, or just a reflection of how much it comes to us from the outside. 


The creation of positive experiences will in the future become the basis for positive recognition of what is and will be done.

Developing your personal skills in the best possible way, will allow you to see in the future, where you can really get to whenever you decide to work on yourself.

Structuring one’s self-esteem solely on what external recognition is, will not generate a solid foundation in oneself.