
Each tool becomes useful for each specific intervention.

Psychotherapeutic techniques are relational tools, that the therapist uses within the sessions, to get closer to those mental processes, in need of change. Remembering that some techniques arise in particular from specific approaches, each psychotherapist is fully able with his or her training to mix each of them in the best way possible, so that his or her intervention is as effective as possible.

  1. Awareness exercise
    The best attitude to have for this, is to answer the 4 following questions: what are you doing “right now”, what are you feeling, what are you trying to avoid, what do you want from me? The goal is to focus the flow of your physical sensations, feelings to focus the figures that appear in the background.
  2. The “empty chair”
    This technique gives the customer/patient the possibility of projecting him or herself into an empty chair with parts of repressed, non-integrated parts of themselves, by carrying out a great work of integration and closure of open or pending situations.
  3. The enactment
    In this situation, the person takes action in a voluntary way, to achieve something blocked, mobilizing the body towards the action and allowing the experience/living of that situation.
  4. Monodrama
    Monodrama gives the person a way to stage their experiences as they emerge. Staging them increases the awareness of what can be contradictory.
  5. The polarities
    Starting with the assumption, that we have extremes of any subject within us, we want with this technique to bring the person into contact with all the expressiveness that we can feel in our extremes, in our polarities.
  6. Amplification
    This technique has its focus the use of everything that puts us at the boundary of contact, extremizing it, so that it can be grasped more in its authenticity and can be a detector of our blocked aspects.
  7. The elaboration of the dream
    Within the Gestalt approach, we also work on the dream, that takes place in a different way from classic analytical approaches. The dream takes on vitality and every part of it represents a part of the person.
  8. Metaphorical expression
    The use of symbolic or metaphorical language becomes an element that characterizes Gestalt. This can be done through a wide range of artistic expression techniques such as painting, sculpturing, modeling, dancing, musical composing, etc..

With hypnosis the person experiences changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts and behaviour. It is essential to create a state of extreme calmness, well-being and relaxation, in order to facilitate the hypnotic process as much as possible.
It has countless fields of application, but always becomes important, when wanting to ensure, that the person has sufficient psychological stability, being precisely contraindicated with specific personality pictures.

  1. In the psychological field it can be applied to all problems, with the exception of psychotic disorders. An area of application might be sport, to improve physical abilities in athletic performance. It allows for an optimal focus for a much better performance. As it is well known, it becomes a preparatory technique for many athletes, capable of increasing the effectiveness in achieving their goal.
  2. The medical field: cardiovascular and dermatological disorders, asthma, urogenital and digestive disorders, palliative care and pain therapy.

EMDR is a “structured” psychotherapeutic method, i.e. it follows a rigid protocol, certainly more than the classic psychotherapeutic interview. It is used for the treatment of traumatic events and therefore their elaboration, but also for more daily and equally stressful experiences.
Let us briefly define what a trauma is: by trauma we mean something that breaks the usual way of living and seeing a clear way. Clearly, the impact is negative and the mind, and as if it were stuck, cannot move forward, rethinks and relives the event over and over.
To this definition we integrate two main types of trauma, so called small “t” traumas and traumas of greater “T” identity.
The first “t” corresponds to subjectively disturbing events that are characterized by a perception of danger not particularly understood.
The second “t” are all those events that lead to death or threaten the physical integrity of oneself or others.

  1. Systematic desensitisation
    This technique is used in the treatment of phobic reactions. Bringing the person to a state of intense relaxation and making them gradually experience the phobic stimulus, restructures the latter with a more pleasant experience.
  2. Training for assertive behaviour
    Aimed at overcoming social anxieties and inhibitions. Through gradual work the person develops greater self-control by dramatizing a role and/or imitating a model.
  3. Implosion (flooding)
    This leads to an intense imaginative experience of the situation being analysed. By doing this we are able to touch the unreality of thought that generates anxiety.
  4. Recognition of the mechanism that generates negative emotion
    You work in psychotherapy to identify with the client/patient those distorted beliefs and beliefs. They become the dysfunctional substratum for the development of psychological problems.