“I am me. You are you…
…if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful;
if not, it can’t be helped”
(Fritz Peris)







The main goal of psychotherapy is certainly to increase awareness of how our mind works. A greater awareness will correspond to a greater ability to manage the different mental dynamics that lead us to a situation of malaise.


Hypnosis sessions are incorporated only and exclusively within the psychotherapy pathways, being a technique used by me when deemed necessary, as a support and not as the only mode of action.


I use EMDR as a specific technique to process traumatic events, always incorporating and incorporating it within my Gestalt reference model.

Psychodiagnostic assessments

Psychodiagnostic tests cover a specific area that I use in a targeted manner and in agreement with the patient/client when and if necessary.


The supervisions I keep are for individuals and groups. Like any supervision work, the aim is to provide a clinical eye that can read the complex dynamics that are generated in that particular context.


I conduct training courses structured on the basis of individual requests. The goal becomes to create a more theoretical service that incorporates my clinical experience.

Think Tanks

The exponential groups mix the feeling of the psychotherapy group but with slightly less immersion. The person not feeling emotionally overwhelmed will be able to enjoy positively those emotional movements that will emerge.

Online advice!

Contact me via Skype

Contact me via WhatsApp

Why choose me?

Response time

Within 2 hours I normally provide a response to requests received by email or Whatsapp. During the day, it is usually depends on when consultations can take place.

Constant presence

Once the psychotherapeutic path has been undertaken, maximum availability will be given if there are delicate situations that require contact with myself prior to future scheduled sessions.

Online consulting

Online consulting is a further and different way to facilitate urgent requests for advice. The technological platform may vary based on the client’s preference.

To think you can do something is to recognize an ability. We invest in it without waiting for someone outside of us to confirm its existence.

... Riccardo Povolo

Before investing in your well-being, ask yourself if you are willing to leave/change the things that made you sick.

... adapted by "Ippocrate"

I don’t think I suffer from any particular pathology, if not universal… maybe I need to be listened to or better understood. Alone I can’t find an objective referent, who confirms whether my flying thoughts, or the descent into the depths of my depths, are appropriate to a legitimate natural flow of the psyche and emotions… With Riccardo I found a soul that speaks the same language as me. An idiom that does not judge but follows.

... anonymous

Request an appointment

It will be a pleasure to read and respond to your email. I ask you to enter your data and briefly describe the nature of your request. You will receive a reply within a few hours. If this does not happen within the day it would only be due to other ongoing interviews that may not allow me to dedicate the correct amount of time to your question. Please feel free to rewrite me or contact me by phone even during the day.

Privacy policy

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